2020 Families | New Jersey Family Photographer

I know I say this every year….I am going to blog EVERY SINGLE SESSION! And then life comes rolling in and I don’t get around to blogging EVERY SINGLE SESSION. I always want to, I say I am going to, I get excited about blogging as the start of the new year comes around and then I just don’t finish! So this year instead of saying I am blogging every session, what I am going to say instead is “I will TRY my best to blog more”.

These are some sessions I never got around to blogging in 2020. I love these sessions. I had so much fun meeting and spending time with these sweet families. I couldn’t just let them sit on my computer without sharing them in this little part of my world. Take a peek and show them all some love ♥

I think I am finally caught up with 2020. Thank you to all of my 2020 families. You definitely helped to make this crazy year feel a little normal. Seeing all your smiles and love brought some warmth to this cold and isolated year.